From The Seduction of Emy and Other Stories

Copyright 2023 A. R. Gregory


Miracle Mom

“Ouch!” Beth flinched at the sharp sting to her gut. She hugged her belly, collapsed to one knee. But just as suddenly, before she could even pray about it, the pain was gone. She felt normal again.

What was that? It wasn’t her time of the month. Besides, she’d never felt anything like that from her period before. Gas maybe? Something she ate? She stood back up, straightened her spine, swayed her hips. She even gyrated her belly before she froze, glanced around, hoped no one had noticed her. But all the other protesters were busy chatting and unpacking their signs too.

She shrugged. Whatever it was, she seemed fine now. She bent over the trunk of her little Toyota, hoisted out her Abortion is Murder sign, then strode toward the clinic....